Sunday, May 31, 2009

Words of Wisdom-Anything is Possible!

Anything is possible, if you think it is worthwhile.
If you're willing to go the distance, to go the extra mile.

With determination and effort, you can often achieve more because you don't always get what you wish, but what you work for.

Dreams can become challenging, but no matter what the cost
strive to complete the task before you, and you'll never end up lost.

So bring with you your goals, and leave your doubts behind
whether you think you can or can't, you certainly will find
You'll be right either way--so never quit, and this is why:
You'll never become a failure, until you fail to try.
©Melissa Underwood

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Saturday's 10 Mile Run-Meet @ Schmucker House @ 6:30 AM

Tara's done a great job mapping out a 10 mile route for us this week. Get ready for a beautiful run through God's country and some hills!

Directions to Tara's house:
806 New Milford Road
Atwater, OH

Below is a map of the route:

10 Mile Route
Turn RIGHT out of Scmucker driveway on to New Milford

Follow New Milford

Cross over 224

Turn LEFT on Fairground Road
-Follow until it ends and you hit State Route 44
-Look for cone...Turn around

Continue to run on Fairground Road

Turn RIGHT on New Milford Road

Cross over 224

Turn RIGHT on Eberly Road (This is second road on right)

Turn LEFT on Horning

Turn LEFT on Dibble

You'll see Tara's house...keep running...Happy 10 Miles!

Midweek Miles Party-Celebrate National Running Day

We are celebrating National Running Day on Wednesday, June 3rd.

I'm having a 3-5 mile group run at my house followed by a Popsicle Party!

National Running Day is the PERFECT day to start RUNNING!

Wednesday, June 3rd

5:30 PM

Magnus House
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH 44685
NEW SCENIC ROUTE!!!!! We will run to celebrate National Running Day....Popsicle Party will immediately follow. Feel free to bring a friend that might be interested in running. If we have a lot of first-time runners....we will only do 3 miles...and we will encourage the first-timers to walk/run!

Please RSVP via email or blog posting

Team Trinity Memories

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Destination Marathons

(Click link to view official website)

Winter Buckeye Trail Half Marathon, Marathon & 50K
50K trail run, 26.2M trail run, 13.1M trail run
Peninsula, OH

Last Chance for Boston Marathon
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, 13.1M run, 10K run, 5K run
Dublin, OH

Athens Marathon
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, 26.2M walk, 13.1M run
Athens, OH

ORRRC Marathon and Half Marathon
26.2M run, 13.1M run
Xenia, OH

Earth Day Challenge Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, 13.1M run
Gambier, OH

Glass City Marathon
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, 13.1M run, 5K run, kids run
Toledo, OH

Flying Pig Marathon
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, 13.1M run, 10K run, 5K run, kids run
Cincinnati, OH

Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K
26.2M run, 13.1M run, 10K run
Cleveland, OH

United States Air Force Marathon
26.2M run, 13.1M run, 10K run, 5K run
Dayton, OH

Road Runner Akron Marathon & Team Relays
26.2M run, 26.2M relay, kids run
Akron, OH

Towpath Marathon
26.2M run, 13.1M run
Cleveland, OH

Nationwide Better Health Columbus Marathon and Half Marathon
26.2M run, 26.2M walk, 13.1M run, 13.1M walk, kids run
Columbus, OH
TOP 25 U.S. Marathons

Boston Marathon
New York Marathon
Honolulu Marathon
Chicago Marathon
Walt Disney World Marathon
Rock n' Roll Marathon
San Diego Marathon
Maui Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon
Grandma's Marathon
St. George Marathon
Houston Marathon
Mardi Gras Marathon
Napa Valley Marathon
National Capital Marathon
Philadelphia Marathon
Portland Marathon
Reggae Marathon
Seattle Marathon
Twin Cities Marathon
San Francisco Marathon
Myrtle Beach Marathon
Grandfather Mountain Marathon
Las Vegas International Marathon
Country Music Marathon

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marathon Monogamy

Humorous Cleveland Marathon Recap
Take a look!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cleveland Marathon Memories

Team Trinity
Cleveland Marathon Weekend
Tara and Coach Momma C

Hooper-Cooey Family Finish

Hooper-Cooey Final Run

Tara's Strong Family Finish

Schmucker Final Run

Hope and Tara overcome the pre-race jitters

Wes and Hope suffer from a carb-loading overdose

Pre-Race Prayer and Devotional

Pre-Race Prayer and Devotional

Taradise picks up her number at the Cleveland Expo

Mike and Melissa at the Cleveland Expo

The WILD WOMEN at the Cleveland Expo

Brian getting his number at the Cleveland Expo

Jim "Goomba" Harris

Twinkle Toes

Twinkle Toes gets her number....She is no longer a marathon virgin

Cleveland Kid Race

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Team Trinity Marathon Results

Hope Magnus #399
Uniontown, OH
Age: 30 Gender: F
Chip Time

Clock Time
Overall Place 1014 / 9500
Gender Place 243 / 4960
Division Place 54 / 851
Pace 9:25.0

Brian Evans #2158
North Canton, OH
Age: 20 Gender: M
Chip Time

Clock Time
Overall Place 1883 / 9500
Gender Place 1236 / 4540
Division Place 79 / 271
Pace 12:19.9

Tara Schmucker #1175
Atwater, OH
Age: 35 Gender: F
Chip Time
Clock Time
Overall Place 1891 / 9500
Gender Place 652 / 4960
Division Place 113 / 813
Pace 12:24.1

Jared Cooey #3016
Akron, OH
Age: 32 Gender: M
Chip Time

Clock Time
Overall Place 1942 / 9500
Gender Place 1258 / 4540
Division Place 177 / 689
Pace 12:59.8

Michael Hooper #1026
Uniontown, OH
Age: 40 Gender: M
Chip Time
Clock Time
Overall Place 1943 / 9500
Gender Place 1259 / 4540
Division Place 205 / 629
Pace 12:59.8

Melissa Hooper #1025
Uniontown, OH
Age: 39 Gender: F
Chip Time
Clock Time
Overall Place 1944 / 9500
Gender Place 685 / 4960
Division Place 118 / 813
Pace 12:59.8

Team Trinity Half Marathon Results

Wesley Magnus #8903
Uniontown, OH
Age: 29 Gender: M
Chip Time

Clock Time

Brett Schmucker #6905
Atwater, OH
Age: 38 Gender: M
Chip Time

Clock Time

Jim Harris #8560
Uniontown, OH
Age: 20 Gender: M
Chip Time

Clock Time

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last Walk Party & 26.2 Tattoo Review

The Trinity Trotters went to Bad Boy Tattoo in Alliance, Ohio.
Yes, we are getting tattoos to celebrate our 26.2 success.

Hope and Tara in the "Sin Den" Waiting Room

Hannah is trying to decide between a butterfly or fairy tattoo.
Kidding, here mom and dad are getting inked!

Crazy Hoop Dog is VERY excited about his new tattoo!
He is practicing his pirate face in this picture. Grrr, Ahoy!

Marathons That Make You Laugh

The first link is for hilarious marathon signs. The second link shows some of the best marathon costumes. You'll definately get a laugh.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cleveland Marathon Expo

We are ready for the Cleveland Marathon.
Tara, Jo, and I were practicing for our photo-finish on Sunday!

Come back on Sunday to enjoy photos of our marathon weekend.

2009 Team Trinity Marathon Team
Mike, Melissa, Hope, Wes, Tara, Brett, Jared, Brian, and Jim

Trinity Trotters-Recognized on 95.5 The Fish

Dear Brooke Taylor,

Thank you for recognizing the Trinity Trotters on 95.5 The Fish this morning. Your encouragement and prayers will help us on Sunday.

We were all so excited to hear you talk about our marathon training today. This was the added support and encouragement we need to kick-it in gear!

Thank you so much! Perhaps, you can train for the Akron Marathon with us!

Team Trinity

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Summer Races

We want to keep our running strong and continue to have goals. Below are some races I'll probably run this summer/fall.

Jim Klett 10K (Saturday, June 20, 2009)

Sweetheart Run (Saturday, July 12, 2009)
(Women's Only in North Canton)

Winking Lizard Shot in the Dark (Saturday, July 25, 2009)

Spirit of Columbus Half Marathon (Sunday, August 30, 2009)

Akron Marathon (Saturday, September 26, 2009)

Stomp the Grapes Half Marathon (Saturday, October 3, 2009)
Maize Valley in Hartville, Ohio

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pack Your Bags-Marathon Checklist

Things to Pack

  1. Marathon registration paperwork (May need at Expo)
  2. ID
  3. Shirt
  4. Shorts
  5. Shoes
  6. Running Socks
  7. Watch (If desired)
  8. Gloves, hat, sweatshirts (If necessary)
  9. Sunglasses
  10. Ibuprofen
  11. Vaseline
  12. Band-Aids
  13. Sunscreen (Waterproof)
  14. iPod
  15. Extra Gu, Shock Block, Clif Bars, or water supply you want to carry during race
  16. Running Bib and safety pins (Get at the Expo)
  17. Any good luck item you want to run with!
  18. Posters (Make those kids yell their hearts out!!)
  19. Camera

Post Race Bag-Finish Line

  1. Warm clothing
  2. Towel, baby wipes, deodorant
  3. Water
  4. Ibuprofen
  5. Snack
  6. Sandals or other comfortable shoes
  7. MONEY (You might want to purchase Cleveland Marathon clothing etc.)
  8. Cell Phone
  9. Keys
  10. ID
  11. KLEENEX (Might be needed for those tears of JOY)

This is a working list.
If you think of additional items,
please post to the blog and share with us!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


When: Wednesday, May 13th

Time: 5:30 P.M.

Location: Magnus House

Make sure to stay for ICE CREAM afterwards!

Let's do our last 3 mile walk together!
We started this training journey together.
Now, let's finish it together.
Bring your kids.
They can walk with us, ride their bikes, or watch a movie at our home.

Saturday's 8 Mile Route

SEE YOU AT 7:30!!!

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street

Turn RIGHT on Midway

Turn RIGHT on Hoover
-Cross over Hoover and Lake Center
-Continue to follow Hoover
-House with Amish buggy (4 Miles)
Turn around and take it on home!

Congratulations! You just completed your last long training run! You are done!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 5th @ 12:30 Countdown

Only 11 days and 18 hours until the gun goes off and he cross the starting line!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We're Getting Closer!

My Dearest Team Trinity Friends,

Well, it seems weird congratulating you for "only" running 9 miles. I'm used to doing my Saturday celebratory posts for those large double-digit runs.

This 9 mile run was bitter sweet. I love the journey we've taken these past six months. I am proud of everything you have accomplished. You set a very difficult goal. In 15 days your hard work and determination will pay off.

I have enjoyed every single Saturday with our group. It is so funny looking back. I realize six months ago we really didn't know eachother very well. Now, we have a common bond that is hard to explain. Thank you for months of running, laughter, tears, and conquering fears!

Congratulations on running 9 miles. Today's "vacation" run was well deserved.

See you at the finish line on May 17th. I'll be the curly-headed girl beaming with pride and excitement for each and every one of you!!! I love you all very much!

Hope "Sweet Feet" Magnus

Friday, May 1, 2009

9 Mile Route-Scenic and Hilly

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street

Turn RIGHT on Midway Street (Approximately 1 mile)

Continue on Midway
-Enjoy the hills!
-Enjoy the houses
-Enjoy a change of scenery

Turn RIGHT on Hoover (Approximately 2 miles)

Continue on Hoover
-House 11193 (Approximately 3 miles)
-Hoover crosses over Lake Center (Approximately 3.5 miles)
-Keep running on Hoover for an additional mile
-You'll hit a "S" curve, which turns a sharp left
-Keep running. You're getting closer to Clear Water's RV entrance!

Clear Water RV Park Entrance on LEFT (4.5 miles)

Enjoy going downhill on the way home. Don't be will encounter a couple heart racers on the way back. Oh, how fun!

Documentary Questions

Were you ever a runner in the past?

What was the reaction of friends and family when they heard you were going to run a marathon?

How much did training as a group help you prepare for the marathon instead of training solo?

What do you think about while you are running? (Keep it clean folks!)

What’s your favorite Team Trinity memory as a group?

What have you learned about yourself during this training that you didn’t know before?

You could have quit anytime during this training. What made you keep coming back week after week?

What was your worst run and why?

At what point in your training did you realize that you were going to successfully complete the marathon?

How would you encourage others to join our group when they say, “I absolutely could never do it?”

What excites you most about running the Cleveland Marathon on May 17th?

Will you train for another marathon?