Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is the newest Nike "Super Natural" advertisement...It is called Naked Running Camp!

This is a must watch! I was cracking up!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Words of Wisdom

I saw this quote and it cracked me up. Enjoy!

"Any idiot can run. It takes a special kind of idiot to run a marathon."
Found on

Monday, April 27, 2009

Team Trinity Conquers Toledo!

Leaving at 4:00 am.....Agonizing!

Driving 3 hours to Toledo....Boring!

Helping people achieve their dream of 26.2....Worth It!!!

Thanks for Volunteering!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pick Your Playlist!

Go to the link below. Vote for the music you want to hear while running the Cleveland Marathon course. Only 25 days left!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

WOW, you ran 19 miles! Congratulations!

Congratulations on running 19 miles today.

You did an amazing job!

We only have one long run left and then it is taper time.

Cleveland is only 28 days away!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Marathon Documentary Questions

We are making our marathon documentary after our 20 mile run next Saturday. We need questions for the documentary. We will watch the video at our marathon celebration party on Saturday, May 23rd. I'll compile the questions for you to review/reflect prior to making the video on Saturday, April 25th.

Please submit at least 2 possible questions!

Please submit by Tuesday, April 21st.

You can post to this blog or send via email.

19 Mile Route to Marathon Glory

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street
*Sunnyside Street (Mile 1)
*Market and State Street Stoplight (Mile 2)

Turn LEFT on State Street
*Cross over State and Kent intersection (Mile 3)
*Continue straight on State until Middlebranch sign (Mile 4)
*Cross over Middlebranch and railroad tracks
*Pass Fromes Road (Almost 5)
*Pass Marlboro Township Limit sign (Mile 5)
*Pass sign shaped like dog for the TLC Dog Grooming (Mile 5.5)
*Pass Werner Church Road (Mile 6.0 approx)
*St. Peter's Church Road (Mile 6.5)
*Pass Shooting Range (Mile 7.0)
*Stoplight at State Street and Ravenna Road (Mile 7.7)

Turn RIGHT on Ravenna Road
*Stop light warning sign (Mile 8.0)
*St. Francis Road (Mile 9.5) Turn around & look for orange cone!

...If you are feeling frisky and want to run 20 continue to Todd Road (MILE 10)
...I might run 20 miles this week and next....then follow the taper schedule

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sensational Sand Run

We had a great 18 mile run today. Our thanks to Cindy, Bob, and Debi. They invited us along and we had a great time. We appreciate you mapping out a beautiful route. Can't wait to do it again.

I got very nostalgic running a portion of the Akron Marathon course again. I can't wait to run Cleveland, but my heart will forever belong to the Akron Marathon. It was my first!

Cindy took some great pictures before, during, and after the run. I LOVE that she travels with a camera!




Friday, April 10, 2009

Summit Athletic Running-Help, Join, Party!

I'm hosting the newsletter party for the Summit Athletic Running Club on Wednesday, April 29th @ 7:00. I'd like Team Trinity to come help!

Team Trinity has participated in three SARC sponsored races (New Year's Eve Race, Frostbite Prediction Race, and Shamrock 15K). Let's help this wonderful group get their newsletter ready for their members.

I'm a member and I suggest you become a member too! You won't believe the benefits

  • Discounts on race registrations

  • A 20% discount at Running Ritchies

  • Monthly SARC newsletter

  • Monthly SARC meetings with former Olympians, medical experts, motivational speakers

  • Network with other runners

  • Join other runners for group runs

  • Running volunteer opportunities


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Saturday Run @ Sand Run

Sand Run Metro Park

Meet Time
6:30 AM


Option 1: Meet at Sand Run
Option 2: Call 330-819-6846
If you want a ride or need picked up.

Monday, April 6, 2009

4-25-09 Special Announcement-20 Miler

Run Time: 2:30 pm

Date: Saturday, April 25th

Distance: 20 miles

Watch Party

We are encouraging church members, friends, and family to come out and cheer us on! They can bring posters, yell loud, and get us through our last long run! I'll have a map with our route and designated "watch locations" for you to give to friends and family!

After Party

Please join us at the Magnus house for a celebration and reflection party! We will have snacks. We will make a running documentary, which will chronicle each runner's marathon training journey. We will watch the marathon video during our marathon celebration party on Saturday, May 23rd!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Akron Marathon Update

Get those iPods ready!
The Akron Marathon rules have changed!!!
You are now permitted to wear headphones at the
2009 Akron Marathon!

See rules and regulations below:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The numbers don't lie.....You ran 17 miles!
Only 3 more miles until taper time!
Hang it there.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God Be With Us!

Team Trinity,

I will be out of town Thursday and Friday. So, the route will not be posted prior to our run. Guess just go a little longer than last week. SHOCKING! :)

I will have the cone set up prior to our 17 mile run on Saturday. See you at 6:30!