Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weekly Deep Thoughts

Running: if it were easy it would be called football.

In my mind, I'm a Kenyan.

Weak runners wait for opportunities, strong ones make them.

We fear the things we want the most.

There is no I in team, but there is a U in suck.

Frostbite Prediction 5K Run
Saturday, February 6, 2009

Water Works Park
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Registration/Packet Pick Up 8:00-8:45
Race Starts at 9:00 am


Friday, January 30, 2009

Team Trinity Gives Back

Team Trinity
Glass City Marathon Bound

They desperately need us to organize a water station!

One Day Road Trip: Sunday, April 26th

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Volunteer Road Trip

A race is nothing without volunteers. Let's put the 1980's music on, roll the windows down, and hit the highway!

You'll soon realize volunteers and spectators become your angels on earth during a race! So, I think we should give back. We are taking a road trip.

We have the opportunity to volunteer at one of the following marathons:

Glass City Marathon in Toledo
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon
Sunday, May 3, 2009

You'll get to see the "flow" of a marathon before your big race in CLEVELAND!!! Also, this gives us an opportunity to say, "thank you" for all the people that will be supporting us when we run. Basically, we are paying if forward!

Are any of you interested? Transportation and food details will be handled. We would leave early Sunday, volunteer at race, drive back!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Was it a perfect 10? Rate Your Run!

What was the best part of your 10 mile run?
What was the worst part of your 10 mile run?
What has been the best part of training for a marathon/worst?

5-(Easy/No Struggle)
3-(Neither Easy or Hard)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Big 10!!!

You did it!

You conquered the hills. You conquered the weather. You conquered that little voice inside that said, "Just Quit".

You prevailed! You persevered! You pushed ahead!

You should be incredibly proud!


Thank you "Coach C" for your support today!

We appreciate you so much!

Here Comes The Sun

It's looking good for next Saturday!!!

Jan 31 Saturday
Plenty of sun. Highs in the low 30s and lows in the low 20s.

Anything is Possible

Anything is possible, if you think it is worthwhile. If you're willing to go the distance, to go the extra mile.

With determination and effort, you can often achieve more because you don't always get what you wish, but what you work for.

Dreams can become challenging, but no matter what the cost strive to complete the task before you, and you'll never end up lost.

So bring with you your goals, and leave your doubts behind. Whether you think you can or can't, you certainly will find you'll be right either way--so never quit, and this is why: You'll never become a failure, until you fail to try.
©Melissa Underwood

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10 Mile Route

10 Mile Running Route

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street
*Sunnyside Street (Mile 1)
*There is a significant hill around 1.5 miles
*Market and State Street Stoplight (Mile 2)

Turn LEFT on State Street
*Cross over State and Kent intersection (Mile 3)
*Continue straight on State until Middlebranch sign (Mile 4)
*Cross over Middlebranch and railroad tracks
*When you see Fromes Road you are getting close to five miles
*Stop at Marlboro Township Limits sign right before bridge
*Look for RUNNERS TURN AROUND sign (Mile 5)


Congratulations ahead of time! You are going to do fantastic!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rate Your Run-9 Miler

What were your 9 miler lows/highs?

Rate Your Run
5-(Easy/No Struggle)
3-(Neither Easy or Hard)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why do I pick routes with hills?

**Conquer Saturday's 10 mile route**

Check back later this week of Saturday's 10 mile route. The route does NOT have hills, but does have slight inclines at miles 2, 6, 8.

I know "hill" is a four-letter word for runners. However, hill training is necessary! Most marathons have a hill that will kick your butt if you aren't used to the incline.

The Boston Marathon is famous for Heartbreak Hill. The Pittsburgh Marathon has Cardiac Hill. During the Akron Marathon you have a 1.7 mile incline from miles 16-18. This hill is affectionately called, Rally in the Valley. At mile 22 you hit, Heart Rate Hill, which spikes your heart rate higher than any other part of the course.

So, do you think hill training is necessary? ABSOLUTELY!!! If you are prepared for hills you won't have to work so hard. You'll be physically and mentally prepared. Also, training on hills makes flatter courses seem a lot easier. Don't avoid hills...learn to enjoy them. Try these simple techniques.

Enjoy the hill
Start with a good mindset. Don't freak yourself out. Consider the hill an opportunity to relax, change pace, and use different muscles.

Look upward
Keep your body angle perpendicular to the ground, which is best for traction.

Look down at your feet
If you don't see the incline then it doesn't exist. This isn't the best form, but can help you mentally.

Shift gears
Seek a short, quick stride. You want the most efficient tempo so you don't waste energy.

What goes up must go down
Going down hill is your reward for going up hill.

Power of positive talk (I repeat phrases to myself)
"I'm going to kick this hill's butt"
"I got this. I got this. I got this."
"I'm rolling. I'm flowing. I'm moving. I'm grooving"
"Let it flow like H2O"
"I can do this"
"What hill?"
"Yes, finally a challenge!"
"I'm gonna give this hill a beating."
"Let's kick it"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Running on Empty?

The runs are going to get longer and longer. Refueling is imperative in distance running.

We'll have a variety of Gu Energy Gel flavors, Gu-2-O drink supplements, and Clif Energy bars

Coach C will have these available during your Saturday long runs. Please make sure you fill up so you can keep on running! Happy Safe Running! Bon Appetit!

Gu Engergy Gel Flavors
Vanilla, Chocolate, Just Plain, Orange Burst, Tri-Berry,
Espresso Love, Lemon Sublime, Strawberry Banana

Gu-2-O Flavors
Raspberry and Magno Tango

Clif Bar Flavors
Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Brownie, Crunchy Peanut Butter

Cleveland Marathon Countdown

Only 119 days until the BIG DAY!

Keep training. Have fun! Enjoy the experience!

Happy 15K Finish!

You were absolutely FABULOUS today! Congratulations! Well Done! Awesome! Amazing! Super Duper!

You should be bubbling over with pride!

Take your medicine, drink your water, and eat!

Mike Hooper
Congratulations on your first double-digit run! Way to push yourself.
Happy 10 miles!

Weekly Quotes

Pain is weakness leaving your body.

Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise,
just like muscles of the body.
- Lynn Jennings

101 Kicks In the Butt-Runner's World

Thank you, Taradise, for forwarding us this article.

This is great for keeping us motivated and helping us spice up our runs. Enjoy!,7120,s6-243-297--11733-0,00.html

Saturday 9 Mile Location Change

Due to the weather we will run inside at the Kent State University Recreation Center. Meet at Mike's Place at 9:45.

Make sure you bring your Kent ID from last week. If you are a first-timer to the indoor track, please bring your driver's license.

I will have numbered post-it notes to count your laps.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You're Invited-10 Mile Victory Breakfast!

On January 24th you will be completing your first double-digit run.

We are having a 10 miler celebration breakfast!

When: Following the 10 mile run

Where: Wes and Hope's House

Wes' famous made-to-order omelets & Hope's famous waffles

Run hard, get hungry, chow down!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Saturday 9 Mile Run Route

9 Mile Running Route

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street
-Sunnyside Street (Mile 1)
-There is a significant hill around 1.5 miles
-Market and State Street Stoplight (Mile 2)

Turn LEFT on State Street
-Cross over State and Kent intersection (Mile 3)
-Continue straight on State until Middlebranch sign (Mile 4)
-Cross over Middlebranch and railroad tracks run 1/2 mile longer
-Look for RUNNERS TURN AROUND sign (Miles 4.5)

This route is straight, minimal hills, fairly good pavement

What were your high/lows of the 8 miler?

1) What was the worst part of your 8 mile run?

2) What was the BEST part of your 8 mile run?


5-(Easy/No Struggle)
3-(Neither Easy or Hard)

Options for Saturday

Saturday, January 17th the weather will be 18 degrees and cloudy.
Sunday, January 18th the weather will be 27 degrees and sunny.

We have three options for the 9 miler
1) Run outside
2) Run inside on track (same location as last week)
3) Run outside on Sunday after church

I'm game for whatever you decide. I did inquire about the field house, but they are not open to the public on Saturdays.

Just email me your choice at

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Run Schedule

Day 1- 3 miles
Day 2- 5 miles
Day 3- 3 miles
Day 4- 9 miles

Start saying your prayers for good weather on 1-17-09!

Check back later this week for the 9 mile running route.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Congratulations 8 Mile Poem!!

And heat...
You forged ahead without defeat!

Congratulations on finishing 8 miles!!

Must Watch-Team Hoyt

This is the story of Rick and Dick Hoyt. Their story of love and determination gets us everytime. Enjoy!

Visit their website:

Weekly Quotes

Run like you stole something!

Few of us know what we are capable of doing...we have never pushed ourselves hard enough to find out.
- Alfred A. Montapert

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Fellow Marathoners,

I hope you're having a good week. I'm sure those 3-5-3 training runs are getting easier and easier!

I look forward to seeing you bright and early Saturday morning.

Happy Training!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Running Resources-Borrow Anytime

If any of these titles caught your attention...feel free to borrow!

Sports Nutrition Guidebook: The # 1 nutrition resource for active people
-Nancy Clark, MS, RD

Advanced Marathoning
-Pete Pfitzinger

Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How To Be Your Own Best Coach
-Brad Hudson

Hal Higdon’s Smart Running: Expert Advice On Training, Motivation, Injury Prevention, Nutrition and Good Health
-Hal Higdon

Run Fast: How to Beat Your Best Time…Every Time
-Hal Higdon

Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide
-Hal Higdon

Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Running, Second Edition
-Robert G. Price

The Runner’s Book of Training Secrets
-Ken Sparks

The Nonrunner’s Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On With Your Training
-Dawn Dais

The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer
-David Whitsett, Forrest Dolgener, Tanjala Kole

How was your 7 mile run?

Post comment using the following rating:

5-(Easy/No Struggle)
3-(Neither Easy or Hard)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weekly Quotes

"Nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it."

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."
- Steve Prefontaine

Amazing Job Today!!!

You all did a fantastic job today. Can you believe you just completed 7 miles? You should be so proud!

Let's Put This In Perspective
Our first Trinity Trotters Group Run was November 15, 2008. In 8 weeks you have become long distance runners!

We hope you are having fun, feeling accomplished, and enjoying the fellowship. If we can do anything else to help you during your training, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Goodbye 7 miles...Hello 8 Miles!

Run Schedule & 8 Mile Route for 1-10-09

Week's Running Schedule
Day 1- 3 miles
Day 2- 5 miles
Day 3- 3 miles
Day 4- 8 miles

8 Mile Running Route

Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway

Turn RIGHT on Market Street
-Sunnyside Street (Mile 1)
-There is a significant hill around 1.5 miles
-Market and State Street Stoplight (Mile 2)

Turn LEFT on State Street
-Cross over State and Kent intersection (Mile 3)
-Continue straight on State until Middlebranch sign (Mile 4)

This route is straight, minimal hills, fairly good pavement

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cleveland Marathon-Rule Change

Start loading those MP3 players or iPods. You are NOW ALLOWED to use headphones during the Cleveland Marathon! Enjoy your musical motivation!

Official Rules and Regulations Link