Friday, January 28, 2011

Tallmadge Recreation Center Group Run for 3-12-11 @ 7:00 A.M.

Meeting Location
Tallmadge Recreation Center
46 North Munroe Road
Tallmadge, OH

Meeting Time
6:55 a.m.

Run/Walk Time
7:00 a.m.

Indoor Track Details
Please bring $8.00 for admission and photo ID.  The indoor track is 5 times around for one mile! 




  1. Hope, do you have to be a member to get in for $8, or is that a walk-in non-member deal? The Turtles may want to have this as an option at some point but to my knowledge none of us are members.


  2. You do not have to be a member to run at the Tallmadge Rec. You simply pay $8 and they'll let you in without a problem. It is a nice place and safe option. Sorry I didn't see this posting until today! :(
