Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No group run Saturday, September 25th!

The Trinity Trotters are battling the blue line at the Akron Marathon and Half Marathon this Saturday!  Therefore, we won't have a group run.  Please come out and cheer us on!  The next group run will be Saturday, October 1st. 

Run for fun,

1 comment:

  1. I am a current resident of All Seasons Mobile Home Park in Deerfield, Ohio. I've been fighting a bogus repair charge and a bogus criminal charge. All because of rotten lies told by Carol Foster and Vicki Gilpin of Modern Management Solutions (The management and billing company located in Ravenna, Ohio). Now, they are trying to aquire my paid off home free and clear so they can re-sell it for a huge profit. They have done this sort of thing before with the help of their attorney David Allen Sed. Its become part of their business model. Horrible, but true. If you want to know how all of this unfolded, please visit either of the following sites:



    You can read the entire backround so far, including my sworn statement filed with Portage County Municipal Court, view photos, and learn a few things about the rotten business practices of M.M.S. Something has to be done. This is what I've chosen to do.
