Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sunday's Route

Maize Valley Farm Parking Lot

Meet Time
12:55-1:00 PM

Run Time
1:05 PM

We will have the roaming water station and transportation back to your vehicle for all runners not running the full 12 miles. Details regarding how the transportation vehicles work on previous blog entries....scroll down at past entries for a complete explanation.

12 Miles or Pick Your Distance

Route Description
This is a MODIFIED version of the Stomp the Grapes Half Marathon Route. We modified the route because several roads are too dangerous to run (sharp curves/blind spots). The map below is the half marathon route. Again, we are using a modified version of the course, but this will give you an idea of where you are going:

RIGHT out of Maize Valley Farm parking lot onto 619/Edison Street

RIGHT on Etter

RIGHT on Etter/Graening

LEFT on Swamp
-Follow the blue arrows spray painted on the road

RIGHT on Duquette
-Follow the blue arrows spray painted on the road

LEFT on Swamp (3.2 Miles)
-Follow the blue arros spray painted on the road

RIGHT on Congress Lake Road (4.5 Miles)

RIGHT into Quail Hollow Park
-Continue straight inside the park
-Follow straight past all the parking lots
-Do NOT turn in any of the parking lots, but continue straight towards the white house
-Continue up the hills towards the white house
-Run past the white house
-Run up the sidewalk by the white house
-Follow the sidewalk until you hit the road again
-Run the exact same route outside the park towards the entrance (6 Miles)

REVERSE ROUTE AND FOLLOW BACK TO MAIZE VALLEY FARM. Use the blue lines to guide you back to Maize Valley Farm.

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