Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm following a different training schedule. What do I do if my mileage is different from the routes posted?

Example 1:
If you are running 10 miles. Simply, run to the 5 mile mark, turn around, and trot on home. I DO NOT have anything placed at each mile marker. You'll just need to remember the street name (Miller Road) for your turn around point. In the future, I hope to have mile markers placed along the route. However, I don't at this time.

Example 2:
You can also run with the group the entire time. On the way back stop at your mile marker and get in the vehicle with Coach Momma C (our roaming water attendant). She can drive you back to your vehicle or you can help pass out water! If you're running 15 miles. Run the 8.5 miles out. Run the additional 6.5 miles back by stopping at (Kent Road) and get in vehicle with Coach Momma C.

Example 3:
Run the mileage out, run the mileage back until your stop point. Walk the remaining miles as a stretch and cool down.

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