1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH 44685
Get Lost finding Magnus House
Call Wesley Magnus @ 330-819-6727
Meet Time
5:50-5:55 AM
Run Time
Promptly @ 6:00 AM
Roaming Water Station/Transportation
Wes Magnus will serve as the roaming water station this week. Coach Momma C was going out of town, but sprained her ankle and is gimpy and stuck at home. Wes will stop at various points along the route. Run up to the car, get your water/Gu/Power Aid. If you are not running the full 13 miles, please let Wes know prior to the run. He will make arrangements to pick you up and take you back to the start location. This water station set-up is different than the blue line set-up. He will roam up and down the route. Next week in Akron..the water stations are at designated areas along the route.
Example-I want to run 10 miles. What should I do? The course is 6.5 miles out-and-back. You'll run the 6.5 miles out with the group plus the additional 3.5 miles. Once you get to the 10 mile mark, which is East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren you stop. Wes will pick you up at the 10 mile mark and take you back to the start location. The same applies for any distance under 13 miles. This ensures you don't run any portion of the course alone, you don't get lost, and you get to stay part of a group longer. Just memorize the road you need to stop at...stop at that road...get a ride.
Route Details
We are not doing a loop this week. We are so excited to have new runners joining us!! In an attempt to keep the route easy without a lot of turns...we are doing a straight shot out-and-back. This route will look familiar to some of you that have run the 18 mile out-and-back route. Again, this is a straight shot once you are on Lake O'Pines. Follow the curves of the road and keep on trotting. Enjoy some beautiful houses, farms, and rolling hills.
Route Map
Click and drag to view. Map used for directional purposes only...pay no attention to mileage indicators.
*I've given you approximate mile markers along the route.
They deviate by .2 miles, but rounded to the nearest major road.*
Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway (Start/13 miles)
Turn RIGHT on Market Street
Turn LEFT on Lake O Pines (1.5 miles/11.5 miles)
-Continue straight crossing over Kent Road (2 miles/11 miles)
-Lake O Pines become Nimishillen
-Go Straight, Go Straight, Go Straight!
-If the road curves...you curve!
-East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren (3 miles/10 miles)
-Wolf Road (4 miles/9 miles)
-Hunting Hills (3.5 miles/9.5 miles)
-Miller Road (5 miles/8 miles)
-Immell Road (5.5 miles/7.5 miles)
-Byers Road (6 miles/7 miles)
-Miller Road (5 miles/8 miles)
-Immell Road (5.5 miles/7.5 miles)
-Byers Road (6 miles/7 miles)
Continue straight past Byers Road for 1/2 a mile (6.5 miles)
-You'll see the farm pictured below and the "Runner's Turn Around" cone

Turn Around and Take it On Home!!
If you are not running 13 miles....stop at designated mile marker.
Wes Magnus will drive you back to the start location.
Congratulations Runners!!!
See you next week for the Battle of the Blue Line!
Details on the blog EARLY next week!
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