Sunday, November 29, 2009
Monday, November 30th Group Run/Walk
Meeting Location
Speedway parking lot in Hartville
5:35 p.m.
Sidewalks of Hartville. Please wear headlamps, reflective gear, blinkers, or light colored clothing.
Will run even if it rains
Running Shirt
You can pay for the shirt when you pick it up.
Nike Pro Fit (Half Zip)
- Wick away fabric
- Fits big
- Logo is centered on the back of the shirt and is pretty large
- $55.00 (Worth every darn dime! It totally wicks away the sweat and keeps you dry and warm!)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Home Run Race Results and Finish Line Videos
(Age Group)
Home Run for the Homeless Finish Line Videos
On this video: Jeff Schapiro, Hope Magnus, Jeremy Schweyer, Brian Evans
On this video: Lynne Schapiro, Mike Hooper, Bobbie Johnson, Jared Cooey, Bonnie Harris
On this video: Cheryl Merrick
On this video: Melissa Hooper and Lynn Johnson
Holy Cow and Next Week's Run Information
Continue that pretraining!
Trotters-in-Training will meet at the Edison Plaza at 6:30 a.m. next Saturday! We are running 2-4 miles of sidewalks through Hartville.
The distance Trotters (anybody that can already run 3 miles) will meet at the Magnus House at 7:30 a.m.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Meet Time
6:20-6:25 a.m.
Run/Walk Time
Promptly @ 6:30 a.m.
Distance Trotters
(Any Trotter that can already run 3 miles)
Meet Time
7:20-7:25 a.m.
Run Time
Promptly @ 7:30 a.m.
New Trotters Route (Run/Walk)
Meet Time
6:20-6:25 a.m.
Run Time
Promptly @ 6:30 a.m.
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Route Details
This is the same route as last week and is a partial circle out-and-back. You're going to jaunt through the Magnus neighborhood and across the street. Then you'll turn around after 1 mile and reverse the route for an additional mile. You'll complete 2.2 miles!!! If time is still remaining after the route has been completed, please just start doing the route again! Slight'll thank me later on marathon day! I promise!
Training Goal
Jog 15, Walk 5, Jog 15, Walk 5 (We ARE running FIRST!!!).
Jog 10, Walk 5, Jog 10, Walk 5 (If unable to do 15 minutes of jogging)
We need to get you built up to 30 minutes of non-stop jogging by January. This can be done!!! Hang in there!
50 minutes of non-stop brisk walking
If the runners have finished their training, please continue walking the route until your 50 minutes is complete.
Transportation Vehicle
Coach Momma C will have water, food, and First Aid supplies.
Route Map
Turn LEFT out of Magnus driveway
Turn RIGHT on Jan
Turn RIGHT on Canyon
-Continue straight on Canyon
-Canyon will cross over Market Street
-Continue straightTurn RIGHT on Desert
-Contine straight on Desert
-At the stop sign Desert/Martket turn around and reverse route back
Reverse Route
Straight on Desert
Left on Canyon
Left on Jan
Left on Royce
End at Magnus House (2.2 Miles)
Memory Lane Route-State Street (13 Miles or Pick Your Distance)
7:20-7:25 a.m.
Run Time
Promptly @ 7:30 a.m.
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Route Details
This route was made famous, feared, and dreaded during the Cleveland Marathon training. The Trotters thought we'd never want to run this route again. Man, time sure changes things because I've received three requests to do this route again. This WILL probably be our safest route for winter training. The roads are typically pretty clear from snow. So, get used to this route and get ready to fight the hills and the wind.....January snowfall will come soon! This is a 6.5 mile out-and-back. Pick your distance runners-Figure out how far you want to run. Memorize the street where you need to stop in order to get your mileage. Tell Coach Momma C the mileage you want to run PRIOR to leaving the Magnus house. She'll make sure you have a ride back to the start.
Route Map
Y'all ain't getting no stinking map. You hit State Street and go straight until you feel like turning around. It is the simplest route the Trotters will ever have!
Transportation Vehicle/Roaming Aid Station
Yes! Coach Momma C will be there to provide fuel, food, and transport back to the start line for those running less than 13 miles.
Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway (0 Miles/13 Miles)
Turn RIGHT on Market Street
-Continue straight
-Sunview Circle (1 Mile/12 Miles)
Turn LEFT on State Street (2 Miles/11 Miles)
-Continue straight on State Street towards Alliance
-Kent Road/State Street intersection (About 3 Miles/10 Miles)
-Middlebranch (4 Miles/9 Miles)
-Sunnydale (4.5 Miles/8.5 Miles)
-Marlboro Township Sign (5 Miles/8 Miles)
-TLC Dog Grooming Sign (5.5 Miles/7.5 Miles)
-St. Peters Church Road (6.5 Miles)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Turkey Trot Details
Please meet at Trinity Church of the Nazarene (2780 Canton Road, Uniontown, OH) at 7:20-7:25 a.m. for the Home Run for the Homeless race. We will leave promptly at 7:30 for the race.
We will get a group photo with our race numbers and drive down to the start line together.
We will support the walkers at 8:30 a.m. and then get ready for the race at 9:00 a.m. If you have questions, please contact Hope Magnus at 330-819-6846.
Hope Magnus is picking up the numbers for all the runners on Tuesday. If you HAVE registered and DO want Hope to pick up your number, please confirm you've registered and that you want Hope to get your number!!!!!!! This is very important so I don't accidentally forget anybody!! Thanks!
See you Thursday. Happy Turkey Day.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Breakfast Club
Friday, November 20, 2009
Times, Routes, Breakfast
Trinity Trotters
After the run come in the Magnus house. Stretch, rest, relax and watch Spirit of the Marathon. Hope Magnus and Melissa Hooper will help the new Trotters during their run. Breakfast will be served after the Trotters-in Training finish! Please plan to stay!
Trotters in Training
Breakfast Menu
NEW TROTTERS-Broken Circle Route
6:50-6:55 a.m.
Promptly @ 7:00 a.m.
Route Details
This is a partial circle out-and-back. You're going to jaunt through the Magnus neighborhood and across the street. Then you'll turn around after 1 mile and reverse the route for an additional mile. You'll complete 2.2 miles!!! If time is still remaining after the route has been completed, please just start doing the route again! Slight'll thank me later on marathon day! I promise!
Training Goal
Runners-We are RUNNING FIRST!! No warm up walk! Be prepared!
Walkers Only = Brisk 50 minute walk
Runners= Run 15, Walk 5, Run 15, Walk 5
First Timers= Just try Run 5, Walk 5, Run 5, Walk 5
Transportation Vehicle
Coach Momma C will be have water, food, and First Aid supplies.
Route Map
Turn LEFT out of Magnus driveway
Turn RIGHT on Jan
Turn RIGHT on Canyon
-Continue straight on Canyon
-Canyon will cross over Market Street
-Continue straight
Turn RIGHT on Desert
-Contine straight on Desert
-At the stop sign Desert/Martket turn around and reverse route back
Reverse Route
Straight on Desert
Left on Canyon
Left on Jan
Left on Royce
End at Magnus House (2.2 Miles)
Hartville 6 Mile Fun Run (DISTANCE TROTTERS ROUTE)
5:50-5:55 a.m.
PROMPTLY 6:00 a.m.
If you have blinkers, refletive gear, headlamps, or a flashlight...Bring it tomorrow for the run. We don't want any Trinity Trotter roadkill! Coach Momma C will not be here for the 6 mile run. Carry your own water. She will be there to greet the new Trotters and help during that run at 7:00 p.m.
Route Details
Route Map
Route Distance
Turn RIGHT on Market Street
Turn LEFT on Smith Kramer
Turn LEFT on Kent Road (1.5 Miles)
Continue straight on Kent Road
Turn LEFT on 619
Continue on 619 (BE ON SIDEWALKS!!!)
Turn LEFT on Market Street (4.5 Miles)
Continue on Market Street
Turn RIGHT on Royce Street/Magnus House (6.2 Miles)
inside the Magnus house.
and then you get to
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Saturday Run Times
Arrive at 5:55 a.m.
Run promptly at 6:00 a.m.
NEW TROTTERS (Note Different Start Time...This week ONLY)
Arrive at 6:50-6:55 a.m.
Run promptly at 7:00 a.m.
Breakfast at the Magnus house after the run!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Saturday Times. Please scroll down for routes!
Arrive at 6:20-6:25 a.m.
Run promptly at 6:30 a.m.
Route posted first below.
Distance Runners (15 Miles or Pick Your Distance)
Arrive at 7:20-7:25 a.m.
Run promptly at 7:30 a.m.
Route posted second below.
Saturday's New Trotter Route
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Meet Time
6:20-6:25 a.m.
Run/Walk Tim
Promptly @ 6:30 a.m.
Training Goals
Walkers: Walk very briskly for 50 minutes
Runners: Run 5-10, Walk 5, Run 5-10, Walk 5
Route Details
This is a lovely jaunt in a relaxing Hartville neighborhood. You've not done this route before. So, please print or memorize the turn-by-turn directions. This route has several turns.
Roaming Water Station/Transportation Vehicle
Coach Momma C will be out brining you water, food, and First Aid. Water, Power Aid, and GU is provided. If you'd like additional items for your run...feel free to bring them. Coach Momma C will put your items in the car and give them to you upon your request.
Route Map
Click and drag to view. Used for map purposes only. Mileage is incorrect
If we still have time left in our training...we will turn around and repeat a portion of the route!
Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway
Turn LEFT on Market Street
Turn RIGHT on Desert
-Continue to follow Desert straight/follow curve of road
-At the corner of Desert and Sagebrush you'll turn right
Turn RIGHT on Canyon
Turn RIGHT on Sagebrush
-Follow Sagebrush straight
Turn RIGHT on Plateau
-Follow Plateau straight
Turn RIGHT on Oasis (1 Mile)
-Continue on Oasis
Straight on Sagebrush
Turn LEFT on Canyon
Turn LEFT on Desert
-Continue to follow Desert until the stop sign at Market and Desert (2 Miles)
Saturday 15 Mile & Pick Your Distance
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Meet Time
7:25 a.m.
Run Time
7:30 a.m.
Route Details
Portions of this route might look familiar (Smith Kramer and Kent Road), but most of the route is brand new for all Trotters (Congress Lake Road and Swamp Road). This is a nice route and relatively flat. Enjoy!
Roaming Water Station/Transportation Vehicle
Coach Momma C will be out brining you water, food, and First Aid. Water, Power Aid, and GU is provided. If you'd like additional items for your run...feel free to bring them. Coach Momma C will put your items in the car and give them to you upon your request.
How does the transportation vehicle work?
I want to run 5 miles. What should I do? The course is an 7.5 mile out-and-back, which makes a 15 mile route. You'll run the 5 miles out with the group. Once you get to the 5 mile mark you STOP. Coach Momma C will pick you up at the 5 mile mark and take you back to the start location. The same applies for any distance under 15 miles. This ensures you don't run any portion of the course alone, you don't get lost, and you get to stay part of a group longer. Just memorize the road you need to stop at...stop at that road...get a ride. You may be in the car with Coach Momma C for awhile before she can take you back to the start. Just be patient.
Route Map
Click and Drag to see the route. This is for map purposes only and note mileage.
Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway
Turn RIGHT on Market Street
Turn LEFT on Smith Kramer
Turn LEFT on Kent Road (1.5 Miles)
-This is the stop light at Smith Kramer and Kent Road
Keep STRAIGHT on Kent Road towards downtown Hartville
-Hazel (2 Miles)
-Woodbury Glen (2.5 Miles)
-Washington (3 Miles)
-Continue straight past Hartville Chocolate Factory
Kent Road becomes Prospect
Keep STRAIGHT through the light past The Pantry Restaurant
-This is the stop light where Prospect and Main Street/619 intersect
-Continue through the intersection....Prospect is now Congress Lake Road
Turn RIGHT on Swamp Road (4 Miles)
-Danbury Glenn subdivision (4.5 Miles)
Turn RIGHT on Duquette (5 Miles)
-You'll only be on Duquette for a second....then you'll turn LEFT to be on Swamp road again!
Turn LEFT on Swamp Road
-This is by K.W. Keller's Farm
-Continue straight on Swamp Road
-Mailbox 3761 (6 Miles)
-Etter Road (6.5 Miles)
You'll see a white wooden sign that says "7230 STEFFY" this is your 7.5 MILE turnaround. If you're feeling frisky continue straight to intersection of Swamp Road/Ravenna Road (8 Miles). This is by Candles Restaurant.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
This week's run times!!!
Meet Time
6:50-6:55 a.m.
Promptly at 7:00 a.m.
Training schedules will be passed out Saturday, November 14th. This schedule will get you ready for a May half or full marathon! The run will start at 6:30 NEXT WEEK!!!!
Distance Runners
Meet Time
7:45 a.m.
Promptly at 7:50 a.m.
No roaming aid station this week. We are helping the new Trotters until 7:45. The distance run will not start until 7:50. If you come earlier to run the may be running alone. Feel free to come earlier if you don't mind running alone. Run will start EARLIER next week!!!
Training schedules for the May marathons will be passed out on Saturday, November 14th!
Saturday's Newbie Run/Walk Route
This route has several turns!
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Meet Time
6:50-6:55 a.m.
Run Time
Promptly at 7:00 a.m.
Roaming Aid Station
Coach Momma C is out of town. The roaming aid station will return next week. Bring your own water to carry, if needed!
Training Goals
You are going to very briskly walk for 45 minutes straight without stopping!
Push yourself this week a bit. We are going to start walk/jogging during next weeks training. Walk 5 minutes
Then run/walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Then run/walk 5 minutes again
Continue to walk with the group for the remaining time as a cool down.
Next week Hope Magnus will help you push through those 5 minute run/walks. We'll have you built up to a 30 minutes jog by January 2010! Woo hoo!
Route Map
Turn LEFT out o Magnus driveway
Turn RIGHT on Jan (first street on your right)
-Continue to follow Jan to Canyon
-At STOP sign on Canyon TURN RIGHT
Turn RIGHT on Canyon
-Continue straight on Canyon
-Cross over Market Street
-You'll be on Canyon again and follow straight
Turn LEFT on Bridle
-Follow Bridle straight
Turn LEFT on Saddle
-Follow Saddle straight until it dead ends into Tumbleweed
Turn RIGHT on Tumbleweed
-Continue on Tumbleweed
Turn RIGHT on Sagebrush
-Continue on Sagebrush until Sagebrush and Canyon meet
Sagebrush and Canyon
**CONGRATULATIONS! You've completed week 2 of training!**
Saturday's 10 Mile Run
1018 Royce Street NW
Uniontown, OH
Meet Time
7:45 a.m.
Run Time
7:50 a.m.
Route Details
Portions of this route might look familiar (Smith Kramer and Kent Road), but most of the route is brand new for all Trotters (Congress Lake Road and Swamp Road). This is a nice route and relatively flat. Enjoy!
Roaming Water Station/Transportation Vehicle
Connie Bradley and Hope Magnus will be out of town this weekend. There will be NO roaming water station or transportation vehicle. Please bring your own food and water. Plan on carrying with you during the run. The famous roaming aid station will return Saturday, November 14th!
Route Map
Click and Drag to see the route. This is for map purposes only and note mileage.
Turn RIGHT out of Magnus driveway
Turn RIGHT on Market Street
Turn LEFT on Smith Kramer
Turn LEFT on Kent Road (1.5 Miles)
-This is the stop light at Smith Kramer and Kent Road
Keep STRAIGHT on Kent Road towards downtown Hartville
-Hazel (2 Miles)
-Woodbury Glen (2.5 Miles)
-Washington (3 Miles)
-Continue straight past Hartville Chocolate Factory
Kent Road becomes Prospect
Keep STRAIGHT through the light past The Pantry Restaurant
-This is the stop light where Prospect and Main Street/619 intersect
-Continue through the intersection....Prospect is now Congress Lake Road
Turn RIGHT on Swamp Road (4 Miles)
-Danbury Glenn subdivision (4.5 Miles)
Turn RIGHT on Duquette (5 Miles)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Trinity Trotters Christmas Party-Save The Date
Saturday, December 19th!
(Exact time TBD)
1980's Prom Night
(Dress accordingly...Details coming soon!)
Last year's theme was ROCK BAND.
Your costumes did not disappoint!
Plan now-Fabulous prizes given to Prom King and Queen.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Famous Trinity Trotters
Check out Tara Schmucker's marathon tattoo. She won Tattoo of the Month from Columbus Running's competition.